Getting To Know Your Student Getting To Know Your Student This questionnaire allows you to share some important details about your child so that we may make their preschool experience the most enjoyable, rewarding, and fulfilling it can be! Student Name* First Last Right- or Left-handed?Indicate which of your student’s hands are dominant. Right Left No clear favorite Special RequestsWhat special things can we do for your student’s first week at school to make him/her feel happy and secure?Drop-off/Pick-upWill your student be dropped off or picked up by someone other than you? Yes No Person Regularly Dropping Off or Picking UpPlease provide name and relationshipSleepWhat time does your student usually go to bed? Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM WakeWhat time does your student usually get up? Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM ReadingHow often does someone read to your student?Nearly every daySeveral times a weekSeveral times a monthNot very oftenFavorite BooksIndicate if your student has any favorite books. Please provide the title and author when possible.TitleAuthor Improving BehaviorDo you have any techniques that you can share about how you are able to improve your student’s behavior when the situation arises?StressWhat types of situations make your student tense or stressed? How do you handle your student at such times?HealthPlease comment on your student’s general health status and anything in their medical history of which we should be aware.Any Special Attachments?Is your student emotionally attached to a favorite toy, pet or person? Yes No Emotional Attachment Explanation*Please explain/describe the attachment and how it may impact your student while at school.ObjectivesWhat would you like your child to gain from their upcoming school experience?Special Skills or Hobbies to Share?Do you have a special hobby, skill or job that preschool children would be interested to learn more about firsthand? Would you be willing to visit our class or maybe even other classes in the school for an informal “guest appearance”? Please let us know so we can follow-up with you.I have a skill, job or hobby and would be willing to visit the students.I know someone (friend, relative, co-worker) who has a skill, job or hobby and would be willing to visit the students.Not available / too busy / who has time for hobbies?? 😉Skills/Hobbies/Job DetailsPlease provide person’s name and specific hobby, skill or job. Guest Reader Availability?Would you be interested and/or available at some point in the school year to visit the class to read a book?Yes, I would be interested and available to read to my child's class as a guest reader.Not available at this time.Other InformationPlease provide any other information you can share that may be helpful to the teaching team in understanding your student.Name of person completing this form* First Last EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.